Get More Math Podcast

Individualizing the Education Experience in Distance Learning with Joan Shearman

Josh Britton and Derek Maxson Season 1 Episode 2

In this episode of the Get More Math podcast, you’ll hear a candid conversation with educator Joan Shearman. With 33 years of classroom experience under her belt, Joan is continuing to try new ways to connect with her students during the COVID era. Listen in to her conversation with Josh to discover how she is evolving to address the challenges she’s facing with her students. In this episode we discuss how Joan is: 

  • adjusting to using new online technology
  • making herself available to students and parents
  • tailoring lessons to individual students
  • connecting with her students through individualized messaging

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Derek Maxson:   0:01
Welcome to the Get More Math Podcast, where we support teachers in their quest for long term student gains. This is a podcast for teachers to share their passion for math education, learn best practices from experts in the field and swap ideas for student success. This his community. This is Get More Math.

Derek Maxson:   0:24
Welcome back to the Get More Math Podcast. I'm Derek Maxson, the president of Get More Math and with me is Josh Britton, the founder of Get More Math.  

Josh Britton:   0:32
Hey, Derek!  

Derek Maxson:   0:33
Josh, I'm really excited about this podcast having hit the airwaves this past week. Being ableto provide this resource to teachers to help teachers to navigate school closures and remote learning during this time of COVID, it's something we're really committed to, and we're happy to be able to help. We have another interview this week, Josh. Tell us a little bit about who you've interviewed and how it's gonna help us.

Josh Britton:   1:00
Well, Derek, today we interviewed Joan Shearman. She's a math teacher with 33 years of experience, and yet she finds herself in an utterly new environment with a completely new challenge. I really like the way she suggests many specific small steps that, taken together are really helping her students still succeed still make progress despite the massive changes.

Derek Maxson:   1:24
This sounds great, Josh. As this podcast is by teachers for teachers, were hoping that there's a tip that each teacher can take away from this podcast. Without any further ado, let's jump straight into the interview.  

Josh Britton:   1:44
Well, thanks for stopping by our show again. Today we have Joan Shearman. She's primarily a seventh and eighth-grade math teacher. How are you, Joan?  

Joan Shearman:   1:52
I'm doing well. How are you?  

Josh Britton:   1:55
I'm doing fairly well. Thanks so much for being willing to kick around what's going on and what you're trying out.

Joan Shearman:   2:01
Well, you're welcome.

Josh Britton:   2:03
Have you kind of heard the premise of our show already?

Joan Shearman:   2:06
Um, yes, I have.

Josh Britton:   2:07
Great! Our basic idea is we're just trying to find out what teachers are up to as they adapt to this difficult time. What's working? What's not working? But perhaps to start, let's roll the clock back a little bit And think about a few months ago when what seems to be a completely different world, could you describe to me what may be a typical math class and typical responsibilities for you would look like it that time?  

Joan Shearman:   2:34
Well, yes. I basically would review any concepts that I had previously taught when our class would come in, teach a new concept using the Promethean board document camera, different things like that. And then we actually use Get More Math for the practicing of those concepts and for mixed reviews. So the students would log on to their Chromebooks to practice the concept, get on mixed review when they're done, and I just float around the room and help them with any issues they have. So that would be, you know, basically how the class, my classes would go.

Josh Britton:   3:17
Thank you.  So now that your kids are stuck at home and I guess what are we on is this week four? I guess I don't even know. Like it feels like Groundhog Day again. Still stuck at home. I think we're around week four here.

Joan Shearman:   3:38
Well, we actually just started teaching remotely on March 30th so we only have about a week and a half in. For two weeks we did not teach them. We just more off and waiting to hear what we could do. There was an issue, I believe, with um, worrying about fulfilling the IEPs of students. So we were waiting to hear how we could go about teaching. So we started on March 30th and what we're expected to do is to provide work for the students, provide lessons for the students, try to keep it as normal as possible learning concepts in reviewing, but also making sure we don't overwhelm them. Some of our students could be watching siblings at home. Um, and they have to wait until their parents get home before they can start any of the lessons. So we were just told, you know, make sure you know of these challenges with your students, make it as meaningful as you can, but also don't overwhelm them. So the first week I just assigned mixed review problems for them to do. And then also, we have to use Google Classroom to post assignments and we're using, you know, various things like Khan. Academy videos, we're using Google forms for attendance. Our kids have to sign in and put their name in for attendance. So we're responsible for teaching them. We're responsible for attendance. We make phone calls if parents, if students are not engaging and they're not online doing our lessons. We also have to make paper packets for students who are not able to get online. We did, however, give out 400 Chromebooks districtwide to students so that they could take them home and work on these online activities. We only, I have 105 students and there is actually only one student that gets a paper packet and we mail it to them and they do the lessons on paper. But otherwise, we're doing online learning. And, like, said I had to learn about Google Classroom because I hadn't used that before and how to attach links to it for Khan Academy, different videos were actually doing Zoom meetings with our students if they have any questions and also just to touch base with them, um, the principal wants to make sure that we let them know that we're okay and want to make sure they're okay and they're mental health is very important to us to the ZooM meetings, sometimes there just to check-in. But those were some of the basic responsibilities that we have to take care of now with this online learning.

Josh Britton:   6:48
Well, it's that is so much. You say a week and a half ago you started to have to, and then you have this fairly extensive list. How are you doing? Like, Is it just consuming all of your time?

Joan Shearman:   7:02
It truly is. Um, when you work from, you know, 7:30- 3:00 you walk away and maybe have a little bit to do in the evenings. But with students logging on to your lessons at all hours of the day, they're emailing all day long, even into the night with questions. So we kind of, um we're guided by our principal to say, you know, you make yourself available between these hours and these hours 8 to 3 and, you know, try to just guide the students and saying, if a student emails me at nine o'clock at night, I just say, Could you get on tomorrow at 10 a.m. And I'll help you through it things like that because it really has. It's been like 15 hour days and not constantly, you know, there are little breaks here and there. But it's nonstop. I was out for a walk with my husband and a parent was texting. You know, my son's having trouble with this problem. Could you log on and help him? And I think I'm out for a walk right now. As soon as I get back, I will. But it's it is. It's just it's really consuming time-consuming. So our principal wants to make sure we're okay, too. So he said, Just make yourself available between eight and three, or if you would rather make it between 10 and five or whatever suits you, you know, try to stick to that. So you have, um, some time to yourself, but it has been very time-consuming.

Josh Britton:   8:41
So there's the range of time where sort of you have office hours and you're sort of live and present to your students. But there must be this other big range of time where you're trying to get ahold of. Like what Khan Academy video suits, in particular, a standard or out uh, your scope, your new scope sequence and how to rearrange all of your expectations in that fashion, like all the preparation that you're having to do, is that also in that sort of stipulated block of time or is that beyond that?

Joan Shearman:   9:15
Our principal would like us to have it be within that block of time. Sometimes it's not always possible. Um, we have a lot of team meetings, too. We have the teaming concept at our middle school. So all of the other eighth grade teachers and I meet, um, on Zoom once a week, but we also text daily with plans with things that are going on. Has anyone heard from this student? Has anyone heard from that student? Um, that kind of thing. Just to check and be on the same page with the kids. So there is that aspect also, and then we have to yes, plan the lessons. We have to put them on our school calendar. On our web page, we have to post them in Google Classroom. We have a remind text that for parents that goes out, you know, telling them to have their child, their child, check their assignments,  so we have the multiple places so that it's easy for the kids, but it takes a lot of time to put those things in every one of those places and plan them. It certainly is taking a lot of time.  

Josh Britton:   10:35
So let's talk a little bit more about the substance of what you're calling a lesson. Um, you just said that you take your lesson and you post it on the school's website and on Google Classroom. And there's also like a text notification of, I guess, Hey, there's a new lesson. But what is a lesson in this crazy new world?

Joan Shearman:   10:55
Well, for math, for me, I said we started out the first week with just mixed review, just reviewing concepts because the kids haven't hadn't been in school for two weeks at that time. But this week we did start actual instruction, so I'm trying to make it as easy as possible for them to do on their own but be meaningful. So it is changing the plans that I had for the rest of the year. Um, I have to adapt, so I am using Get More Math for my lessons, and I attach a Khan Academy video, or maybe h formula sheet or a document that I have saved that will help them. My notes, that kind of thing and attach it in Google Classroom for them to use. But it's, you know, I try to keep it short. Um, we were told maybe only let them have about 20-30 minutes of your lesson to do, because if they have five or six other teachers giving them that amount, we don't want them to be working more than three hours. Uh, so we have to keep it short. So I just, um, assigned the lesson on Get More Math and they have a video to watch. And, of course, while they're on, when I am monitoring them, I am on, um, the Get More Math site. And if I see someone's been on for a long time on one problem, I message them, which is a really great feature, that we can send messages to them, especially at this time. I'm in how to how to do a problem, that kind of things that were available, you know well during the day to help them, Uh, but it's, you know, just basically something easy. For example, I did combining like terms today with them and found a lesson on Get More Math in a video that they watched. And, of course, you have the students that email I don't know how to do this. And I say, Did you watch the video? I didn't know there was one.  

Josh Britton:   13:17
I'm sorry, but that doesn't surprise me at all!

Joan Shearman:   13:21
No, I guess I can read, read what they're supposed to do. But sometimes all of it doesn't sink in. So just reminders of what they should be doing. The very first day of instructional Monday, there were lots of emails to answer about kids not understanding where to find their lesson,  what they should be doing. Some of them just know, I mean, they know to log on to Get More Math, and that's where their lessons going to be. But they didn't log in to Google Classroom to see that there was a video attached to that.

Josh Britton:   13:57
So now they have some problems. They're supposed to work out. Like, how am I supposed to do this? I don't know how. So are you guys maintaining a daily lesson expectation?

Joan Shearman:   14:08
What we're doing with that, we started out that way last week. We set like for me for my map, I gave them so many mixed review points to do each day, and they were doing fine with that. But with some of the other subjects, they weren't completing everything on the day that it was expected, and we were having a little bit of trouble with that. So we adapted. And what we're doing now is we're saying that yes, Monday, we want you to do this Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, these things. But it's all due at the end of the week. So if a student chooses to do math on one day and get it done, that's fine. And if they want to do like the reading assignments on the last day, as long as all of them are done by the end of the week, then they have freedom, you know, to pick and choose what that seems to be doing,  to be working a lot better.

Josh Britton:   15:06
It sounds like you don't have any like, um, synchronous expectations. Like at 10 o'clock, we're all gonna be on this channel or Zoom or something like that. Is that correct?

Joan Shearman:   15:17
Um, that for the lessons that's correct. There they can work independently, but we do have Zoom meetings with the students. Mostly, that's not for instruction. That's just to kind of check-in with them. Let them see a familiar face. Let them know everything's going to be okay. And you know, we're working together and we'll get through it and that kind of thing. So it's not really for instruction, but yes. So basically, they are on their own, and they can do the assignments whenever they choose to do them.

Josh Britton:   15:49
Okay. And then during your sort of connected zone, like your seven-hour or whatever period time where you're available like so it sounds like you could be working with kids from, like, four different periods on whatever individual content they need help on, is that correct?

Joan Shearman:   16:07
That is correct. Yes, yes.

Josh Britton:   16:10
I'm just trying to absorb that, right? I've never experienced anything like that. You're saying, theoretically, you could be like, I don't know. You could maybe have spun up a Zoom meeting and you're helping the kid walk through a problem? While you're getting pinged from you know, a kid in a different grade on a different topic, and another kid on another class. And your emails are stacking up from some parents who have questions...

Joan Shearman:   16:32
That's a typical day. Yes,

Josh Britton:   16:35
it's an exercise of imagination for me. You know, it's it's again. It's beyond the beyond anything within my decades of experience or yours, I imagine right? It sounds like riding quite the wave, like all day long, just trying not to wipe out.

Joan Shearman:   16:51
That's That's pretty much what it has been like. Yes,

Josh Britton:   16:54
Yeah. Have you found any anyways, in particular, that stand out for you? That really worked for connecting with kids for encouraging them?  Keeping them happy and relating to you well?

Joan Shearman:   17:10
Yes. You know, two things have been really helpful with that. One of them is actually messaging them when they're working on Get More Math. So that's why I've tried to different times of the day. Check on them and see who's their current status. See who's working at that particular time and just send them a quick message. "Hi. Glad you're working today. I really appreciate what you're doing. Um, hang in there. You know, you're doing great" that kind of thing. "I hope your family, you and your family are well," that and emails. A lot of the students are emailing when they have an issue because I might not be on at a particular time when they are working. I might not be, you know, watching Get More Math at that time. So if they email, then I'll send the same kind of things back in an email, not only help them with the question that they have but also, you know, put those kinds of messages in, "I hope you're doing well. I hope you and your family are, you know, having some good times. Um, know that we're all thinking of you. Let me know if I can help you in any way," that kind of thing.

Josh Britton:   18:24
I like that. That's really neat. Have you had any kids that you just haven't heard from?

Joan Shearman:   18:29
Actually, we have one student that we haven't heard from, and we actually had an issue with that during the year also. He was absent a lot of the time. Um and so not much has changed with that. Then, in that case, we turn those students' names over to our guidance counselor and then they try to make contact with the parents and see what's up. But so far out of 105 students, we've only had one that isn't logging on it all. Now all of them are not doing every assignment. But our principal is kind of saying, just if they're doing something at this point, that's good and then we'll reach out individually to the students if they're not doing our assignment and say, Hey, you know, we just set aside some time I can help you through this if you have questions, that kind of thing. So we're just happy if they're on and doing something at this point. But really mostly, most of the students are rising to this, and they're doing very well for us.  

Josh Britton:   19:39
So you have kids still early days for what you're doing. But you have kids learning brand new content from a Khan video it sounds like, and then practicing on, Get More Math and succeeding.

Joan Shearman:   19:50
Yes, yes, now we don't I don't do direct instruction like that every day, a new concept every day this week I did one on Monday and Wednesday and Tuesday and Thursday will just be mixed review, Friday we're giving them off. So I'm giving them some time also because, as you know, when you assigned a new lesson on Get More Math, it replaces the old one. So this way it gives them a couple days to be able to get the lesson done. And, mixed review, if they want to do it all on one day, they can. They can wait till the second day instead of doing it on the first. Gives him a little bit more freedom that way. Um, and we don't want to overwhelm them with too many new things when they're learning on their own.

Josh Britton:   20:35
Yes, absolutely. For some kids, that's a wonderful freedom, and they're gonna stretch into it with gladness and they're gonna get things done faster. And they'll love, the Liberty. But other kids will just be overwhelmed to learn from a video, right? But that would be my expectation.  

Joan Shearman:   20:50
Yes, and we have our learning support teachers and emotional support teacher also reaching out to students. They're adapting lessons and assignments to meet their IEP goals. They're actually having Zoom IEP meetings, that kind thing. But the learning support teacher and emotional support teacher, they've been an excellent resource for us and they will reach out to the parents. Just this morning I got a phone call from our learning support teacher. One of our learning support students has anxiety, and they're really nervous about this whole pandemic. Um, so they can't focus very well and they're not completing lessons and things like that. So we restructured what she was, have it, what she was doing. We don't want them to spend more than 20 or 30 minutes per subject. So we told her, You know, on the honor system, we will allow you if you work for 20 to 30 minutes on something, reach out for help if you need it. But if you're stressing and you know, don't go beyond that per subject, and then we will accept what you have done. So instead of maybe getting 15 mixed review points, if she's getting seven or whatever in that half-hour, that's fine.

Josh Britton:   22:12
That's wonderful individualizing to that particular student's very important need. That's a beautiful thing. And I love you can do that. It sounds like you're you've made a lot of adjustments fast. I'm curious to take a little trip down into the Khan videos. What do you think? Are you finding what you need are they quality instruction?  I've really, to be honest with you, I haven't watched many of them in many years. I haven't watched any, so I don't really know what they're up to these days.

Joan Shearman:   22:37
They are pretty good. I usually can find what I need. I think a few times I found other videos just online that teachers have posted. Um, that I use also, um, I found one that was really good. And of course, it got me halfway through, and then it wanted me to pay for it, so well, no, I'm looking for free. But it's sometimes it's not exactly what you need. Um, so there will be questions. I did have to adapt. I had one video on that I thought was good, But then I realized it didn't talk about integers. It just talked about positive numbers like terms. So then quickly, I found another one and put that on and said, If you're having trouble watch, this one and that kind of thing, So it is adapting on the fly many times. So. Khan academy is a good resource. It's, um you know, like anything. It's not always perfect or not the exact way you might teach it. There are some challenges.

Josh Britton:   23:50
I like what you just said.  As I've looked at different things people are doing and how they're adapting. I look at our own product, Get More Math. There's no single like, "Oh, just do this And your problems are solved." If there's any number of good things that then have their attendant like Oh, yeah, But it wasn't really designed for this moment in time. I don't I haven't actually run into anything that I feel is designed for this moment in time.

Joan Shearman:   24:17
No, But I'll tell you, though, Get More Math has made it easy for me because the students we're so used to using it all year. For the last two years, our district has used it and they just got right on, they know. Then it was kind of like seamless almost for them, especially the first week with just doing mixed review. They were on it and they were doing more than I anticipated. You know, I told you a certain amount of points and some were getting in the hundreds and just they must have been bored, I guess.  So that has helped. That really has helped because they were used to that and it wasn't like everything was new to them then.

Josh Britton:   24:58
Right. You could imagine that for somebody stepping into that system in April for the first time, suddenly trying to do a very intense sort of review of everything would be probably overwhelming. It really needs to start small and, like, slowly build it up. You were in a perfect position where you've got the momentum. Did you do any, just I'm curious about Get More Math in particular, then did you do any alteration of your mixed review content like, I don't know, make it easier or smaller?

Joan Shearman:   25:28
I did. I also put the maximum amount of skips that they could have a problem and, um, and took away penalties, actually, because I didn't want them to get too overwhelmed and have to spend too much time if I wasn't there to help them. So I did that, and I trimmed down some of the, um, the concept. Some of the mixed review concepts eliminated some of them, so they weren't, you know, too overwhelmed.

Josh Britton:   25:59
Was it sort of the hardest ones or the ones that really are the buggers for them.

Joan Shearman:   26:04
Yes, yes.

Josh Britton:   26:06
That's what I would do. Go to the ones that I'm always helping kids and be like this. This is like while they were in my room, this made sense. But now that I never get to see them, this is a bridge too far.  I just I find myself in general thinking it's odd for me to do because I'm all about high standards, as you can tell, if you've been using my program for a long time, like I want kids to really learn the math, yes, but for the time being, it's odd to do. But I think we should all dramatically reduce our expectations.

Joan Shearman:   26:35

Josh Britton:   26:36
Isn't that Is that a strange phrase like you've been teaching how long?

Joan Shearman:   26:40
33 years?  

Joan Shearman:   26:42
33 years. Like when do we ever talk about downgrading our expectations? Let's expect less?

Joan Shearman:   26:50
Right. That that was the same message we got from our principle, exactly the same message that we can't expect them to do the same things that they were doing with us there because they don't have that support anymore.

Josh Britton:   27:05
Yeah, well, that's sane, and I'm really glad your administrator is sounding that it's good for you. It's good for your kids. It's pragmatic, and that's mostly what I'm seeing and hearing. Sometimes I'm actually hearing, you know, drive on, never lower your expectations aim high. Uh, that scares me.

Joan Shearman:   27:25
It does. And I do feel bad for the students that are high achievers. So I'm thinking in the future if you know if this continues for weeks putting some of those students in another class and making some challenging problems for them, the ones that I know could handle it and giving them some options where they could take things further if they want.  

Josh Britton:   27:55
It's a great idea that's that actually gets to me, too. Um, I think probably my last question, which is What have you not done yet? What problems were kind of still floating around that you wanna whack, such as what you just said. So there are other things that you haven't dealt with yet they're sort of pending?

Joan Shearman:   28:13
Yes, I haven't created any of my own teaching videos, which probably would be a good idea to do since the students are used to my way of teaching. Um, and it is hard sometimes to find exactly what I want in a video that's already made. So that might be something that I would like to try. Um, and also, I'm trying to, well, and I guess I am doing this already motivate the few who are not working by giving them reachable goals and reaching out to them and telling them. Maybe I assign 15 but if you could give me five today, you know? 

Josh Britton:   29:02
I like it that you're you know, you're not trying to do it all at once. I think it a temptation could be. Although it's just it would be overwhelming.

Joan Shearman:   29:10
It is, because what we have to deal with now is overwhelming.  

Josh Britton:   29:14
Yeah, I am going to utterly pivot and be a completely perfect, you know, masterful, remote learning guru. And I'm gonna make all my own videos, and I'm going to start using, you know, these other new technologies, and I'm gonna have I don't know, it's I love. I love the idea of, you know, starting with some bite-sized piece of a challenge dealing with it, stepping into something else dealing with it. So I think it's cool that you haven't made your own videos, is what I'm driving at. So I've been talking to different teachers who have started from different places, and so far I haven't talked to anybody who I think has overreached and tried to do everything all at once. And I like that. I think that's again like one of my chief concerns that the teachers take care of themselves. I feel like I know how it is to be a teacher. You just rush, you know, you just rush into the fire as it where you're that person and you just keep rushing. You know, like if there's more needs, you just keep going, for it's like your own needs can get kind of pushed to the side and absolutely and right now like it's like being a new teacher all over again and having to learn all this stuff and make all this stuff. I remember that first year is brutal and here at your 33 year doining a first-year teacher's work.

Joan Shearman:   30:32
Yes, yes, because I, you know, my colleagues talked about over the used Google Classroom to post our assignments, and it's great now that okay, but I have Get More Math and I'm using it and it's  it's working. Well, I don't see the need for that. But then all of a sudden, in two days, I had to figure out how it all worked. And, yeah, so it's definitely been a challenge. So yes, baby steps and even those baby steps are monumental actually.

Josh Britton:   31:00
Right, and just managing your time and managing communication expectations. And are you getting phone calls from parents or is it mostly email? You said you're getting texts?

Joan Shearman:   31:10
Yes, mostly emails, but a few texts. There were parents that, um, I reached out to that. I knew their child would have some issues doing everything. So I thought, Well, I'll just text them and see if  you know that's an easy way to communicate, they can communicate with me that way. So I do have a few students that their parents are texting me on, and that seems to be a good way to communicate with them and for them to help their child and for me to help their child. I actually did a 40-minute phone conversation with one of my students. The dad asked if I would call him because he was saying that he forgot all of the stuff that he would you know, that we were doing on mixed review. He said, could you call our home phone and help them through some things? I said, Absolutely. So I called and I was on the phone with that student for 40 minutes, and a lot of it was, um I think he was trying to pull one over on his dad a little bit perhaps?

Josh Britton:   32:20
Wait. Joan,  do students do that?

Joan Shearman:   32:25
But he did have some legitimate questions and we went through them. And now he's been, um he's been great ever since, so that, you know, a little bit of time invested, but it worked out.

Josh Britton:   32:37
Yeah, I guess you can't do that for 105 kids.

Joan Shearman:   32:39
No. Yeah, but all of them don't need that.

Josh Britton:   32:44
Right. Well, I took a page full of notes of all the different things you're doing, and it's wonderful. I salute you and commend you for your intense efforts. Thank you for giving us a chance to kind of pick your brain and hear from a teacher that's, you know, in the trenches, trying to love kids. Best you can.

Joan Shearman:   33:05
Well, thank you. It was my pleasure.

Derek Maxson:   33:16
Thank you, Joan. And thank you, Josh, for a very thought-provoking interview today. Josh, what are some takeaways that you would summarize from your time with Joan?

Josh Britton:   33:25
 I loved hearing Joan's many strategies for reaching her kids. She is clearly, um, targeting every single kid, and she's gone to great lengths, especially to reach the kids with the most needs. So we have parents texting her. We have a phone call she made to a kid who was kind of dragging the feet a bit sounds like. We have real concern for the single kid is still AWOL. We have the 20 to 30 minute honor system for the kid who's anxieties are so intense. There's just so many things that she's doing to address all of the little individual needs. And then, too, I really like her rapid and creative adaptation, where you see her bringing in Google Classroom, which he hadn't used, and the Khan Academy videos, and retooling her use of Get More Math a little bit. So she's kind of building up this patchwork of great tools to meet the current need. I also liked it strategically speaking that she didn't I think maybe reached too far and start trying to make her own video content. You know, one of my huge messages is as we try to take care of kids, I really hope teachers are taking care of themselves. I think it becomes more important than ever that caregivers and service providers themselves are having their needs met. So, you know, establishing boundaries and trying not to overreach. So it was cool that she said that something for the future, maybe something to reach into when she gets a few weeks under her belt and starts to figure out how things were. So lots of kudos to Joan, and we really appreciate the chance to hear from her.

Derek Maxson:   35:05
Thank you, Joan, for being on our podcast today. And thank you, Josh. I really appreciate teachers like Joan who are giving so much of themselves to make sure that our children across the country can have the best educational experience during really difficult times. So thank you so much for doing that. Thanks, Josh, for unlocking some of these tips for us today and for encouraging us along wherever we are. And whatever part of education that we're doing. That about wraps up today's episode of the Get More Math Podcast. Join us again next week with another compelling discussion of how we do education during the COVID era. We'll see you next time. Thank you for listening to the Get More Math Podcast. We would like to invite all our listeners to visit our website at, where you'll find helpful information about how Get More Math can help you transform the math education experience through targeted mastery and cyclical review. We would welcome you to take advantage of our free trial, which is good not only for the remainder of this school year but also for the 2021 school year. If you think this podcast would be helpful to others, please share it, post on social media, or leave us a rating and review wherever you listen to podcasts. If you have any comments or suggestions for future episodes, please send an email to podcast@ See you next time on the Get More Math Podcast